Inviting contractors to Lano

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Inviting contractors to Lano

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Inviting Contractors to Lano

Expand your talent pool by adding new contractors and agencies to your network.

To work efficiently with your global team, you need to invite your contractors and agencies to Lano. When they use Lano, it will be easy to sign contracts digitally, work together on tasks and receive their invoices in one central place.

Sending an invite to your contractor

Send your contractor an invite to work together via Lano. Your contractor can set up their own profile for free and use our platform to the full extent.

Step 1: Go to Hire, then select Contractor.

Step 2: If you wish to fully collaborate with your contractors and agencies (e.g. being informed about the status of the tasks or receiving invoices from your contractors in Lano), then select Invite partner and the language of the invitation. Optionally, you can also add a personal message. Alternatively, you can also create a contractor profile first, manage them yourself, and invite the person at a later stage.

Step 3: As a next step you will be asked to add the contractor’s name and email. Optionally, you can already assign your contractor to a certain group to better organise your network.

Step 4: If you wish, you can also add contracts, forms, or document requests to your invitation to improve the onboarding process.

Step 4: Review your invitation before sending it. Once submitted, your contractor will receive an email from us with an invitation link to register on our platform.

Please note: It is also possible to add several contractors at once by importing a CSV file with your contractor's e-mail addresses and sending a collective invite to as many contacts as you want.

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