Project Milestones

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Project Milestones

Overview of my networkLano WorkspacesTracking the invoice’s statusApproving an InvoiceTypes of InvoicesArchiving ProjectsProject Milestones Approving Submitted TasksTracking the Progress of a Task Requesting proposals from your contractorsAssigning Tasks to Contractors Creating a new taskCreating a new projectProject and task templatesOverview of projects and tasksSending messages to your Contractors Creating groups and tags to organise your networkReviewing a Contractor Inviting contractors to LanoLearning about your contractorsCreating FormsRequesting document uploadsUsing sample contractsSending ContractsOverview of Lano compliance sendings

Setting project milestones


Go to Settings > Projects and Tasks and choose the tab Project Flow.

Step 2:

Click ADD in the top right corner to determine the new status.

Step 3:

Enter the name of your new status and choose a colour for it. The name of the status can have a maximum of 50 characters.

Please note: The minimum status number is 2 and the maximum number is 15.

Step 4:

If you want to create an additional status, click Add Status at the bottom.

Step 5:

When you are finished, click Save in the left bottom corner to update your changes.

Step 6:

You will now see your newly defined project status in the overview of your project flow.

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