Learning about your contractors

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Learning about your contractors

Overview of my networkLano WorkspacesTracking the invoice’s statusApproving an InvoiceTypes of InvoicesArchiving ProjectsProject Milestones Approving Submitted TasksTracking the Progress of a Task Requesting proposals from your contractorsAssigning Tasks to Contractors Creating a new taskCreating a new projectProject and task templatesOverview of projects and tasksSending messages to your Contractors Creating groups and tags to organise your networkReviewing a Contractor Inviting contractors to LanoLearning about your contractorsCreating FormsRequesting document uploadsUsing sample contractsSending ContractsOverview of Lano compliance sendings

Discovering the list of your contractors

Search for the best contractors for your projects and find all relevant information in their profiles.

You can use the contractors’ section to organise the contractors you work with on Lano. From there, you can access all the details of your previous collaboration with the person as well as relevant information for your decision to work with the contractor on future projects. You can also invite contractors to Lano to make your collaboration more efficient and seamless.

This article will cover:

  • Discovering the list of your contractors

  • Discovering the contractor profile

Discovering the list of your contractors

Step 1: You can see an overview of all your contacts by clicking on Team > Team Members in your menu.

Step 2: Here, you can see a table view of all your contractors that are already in your network. Alternatively, you can also switch to the cards view of your contacts by clicking on Switch to cards view in the top right corner.

Step 3: To quickly find the right contractor for your task, you can use different search options and filters.

  • Search for name, e-mail address, or city

  • Filter by groups (marketing, photographers etc)

  • Filter by skills (as found in contractor profiles)

  • Filter by tags

  • Filter by reviews

  • Filter by hourly or daily rate

  • Filter by partner type (freelancer or vendor, self-managed or registered, full-time remote)

  • Search for people who are available in the project's time frame

Discovering the contractor profile

All contractors in your network have their own profiles allowing you to quickly find relevant information like contact details, contracts, and an overview of the contractor’s work history.

Step 1: From the contractors’ overview page, click on the contractor’s name to get more information about your cooperation. 

Step 2: You will be directed to the contractor’s personal profile and can now access the following information:

  • General information (contact details, work experience etc.)

  • Notes & Feedback

  • Accounting 

  • Compliance

  • Files

  • Tasks

  • CV

1. General information ("business card")

Contractors can add information to their personal business cards, including their contact details, a short description of themselves (education, work experience, skills etc.).

Additionally, you can add tags highlighting certain skills to your contractor's business card. These tags allow you to quickly search through your network to find the right contractor for your project.

2. Notes & Feedback

In this tab, you can see how your team members have rated their work experience with this particular contractor. The reviews and comments are only visible for you and your team members, not for contractors. To leave a review click the button Leave feedback in the top right corner.

3. Accounting

This is where you will find your partner's bank details and the fee that they charge for their work.

4. Compliance

In this section, you will find all compliance requests (contracts, HR questionnaires etc.) that have been sent to this particular contractor.

5. Files

This is where you will find all files that were uploaded by you and your partner. 

6. Tasks

The last tab gives you an overview of all current and previous tasks that have been assigned to this partner.


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