Reviewing a contractor

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Reviewing a Contractor

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Reviewing a Contractor

Share reviews with your team members to decide whether or not to work with a Contractor in the future.

Defining the criteria important to your business

Before reviewing your contractor, you might want to add your own evaluation criteria relevant to your business when working with contractors. Those criteria could be a freelancer's expertise, the quality of delivered work, effective communication or the ability to work quickly and meet deadlines.

New review criteria can be added by administrators under Settings > Team > Assessment criteria.

Leaving a review

Step 1: To add feedback, go to your partner's profile and open the tab "Notes & Feedback". On the page, you will see the partner’s evaluation by your colleagues.

Step 2: Click on "Leave feedback" in the right corner to review the partner.

Step 3: Choose a task you want to give feedback for (optional).

Step 4: Write your comment about the partner’s work.

Step 5: Evaluate the criteria.

Step 6: Review your partner's self-assigned skills. (Partners can add their skills to the profile. After having worked with a partner, you can now rate how good their skills really are.)

Step 7: Click "Submit" to publish your feedback.

Note: Feedback can only be seen by other employees from your company and not by external partners.

Leaving a note

Notes can be any useful information that you would like to share with your colleagues. For example, you could describe the past projects that you and the partner worked on, or explain how this partner joined your network (e.g. long-term partner or referred by someone).

Please note: The notes are only visible to your team members and not the partner.

To write a note, click on “+” in the upper right corner on the “Notes & Feedback” page.

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